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I got a phone call last summer from a number I didn’t recognize. I never ever receive phone inquiries regarding my pricing and collections for weddings, but this was my very first one!! Not knowing who it was, I answered instead of letting it go to voicemail. What was a first time phone inquiry for […]

Angela + Sean: A Boston Skyline and Oceanside Wedding in Nahant, Massachusetts | Oceanview of Nahant

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I’ve been seriously looking forward to posting another This or That Thursday post! I got so many messages about how relatable my answers were, which honestly made me feel so good. So, without further wait, here’s this weeks #ThisorThat!! City // Beach – I answered these two separately last week, and opted for both these […]

This or That: Get to know me

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Hey y’all! So, I’m starting a little series of blog posts to A) keep myself accountable for blogging, and for B) to let you guys in on me and my life, and how I’m shockingly just as normal as you are! Wedding photographers aren’t all business, as much as we have to be sometimes. We […]

This or That: Travel

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By request, I have been asked to do a blog on how to build a timeline. And friends, this may be long and winded but I hope you find it helpful!!! A few weeks ago I shared the importance of timelines and why including buffers are crucial for your wedding photographer. You can find that […]

#TipMeTuesday: Building a wedding timeline!

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This one may seem like “Jess……… really?” I can’t tell you how many times I have had to tie a tie on a groom, and I’m still not good at it. This goes for regular ties and bow ties. The first time a groom ever asked me if I knew how, I blurted out laughing. […]

#TipMeTuesday: learn how to tie the tie

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This might seem obvious… or maybe not. But, this week I want to cover why considering the lighting on your wedding day is incredibly important for your photographer, and the overall gallery you will end up with. This includes the timing of your wedding day and the venue(s) you select. Lighting is what makes a […]

#TipMeTuesday: keeping the light in mind on your wedding day

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The time seemed to go by incredibly fast after Meghan and Brandon asked me to be their wedding photographer. In the blink of an eye, their wedding day was here and what an absolutely beautiful day it turned out to be! The wintery details selected by Brandon and Meghan were perfect for the season. Glittery […]

Meghan + Brandon | Wedding at Wedgewood Granite Rose | Hampstead, NH

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Meeting with this adorable little family was so much fun!! They opted for a quick 20 minute session since they needed some easy photos to display for their upcoming wedding, which I am super bummed I won’t be photographing, but it’s incredibly exciting all the same!! We met at the Concord Conservation Center where I […]

Paige + Loren | Mini Session

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YOU GUYSSSSS! So, Rachel booked me as her wedding photographer a few months back, and messaged me shortly after asking if I would be willing to take some photos for her growing business! So of course I said, “OF COURSE!” First off, let me just start by saying how incredibly happy it makes my heart […]

Rachel | Business Session

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Many of you have seen me post that something exciting was happening for my family last week. And after one incredibly long journey, I am finally able to share it with you! Let me start by saying, I love my best friend so incredibly much. My husband jumped into this journey of raising my two […]

Adoption Day!