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Something I have learned through life is that you meet some incredible people along the way. Mariah was a girl I met after moving to a new school in the 4th grade. We became best friends pretty much instantly in Mr. Martin’s class, and through the years and all the growing up, we’ve always remained […]

Mariah + Chris | Maternity Session

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Y’all! My babies went skiing for the very first time! I could sum up the whole trip to being completely nerve wracking for me. I’m the type of mom who expects the worst, like broken legs or momma falls and throws her back out (which I did fall, but my backs all good!). Two things […]

The kids go skiing! (For the first time ever!)

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So, I’m sure you might be thinking “Jess, it’s your job to talk people into having an engagement session.” Yes…. and no. If you think this post will sweet talk you into paying me more money just because, then you’re wrong, friend! No other way about it. Though engagement sessions support my business financially, that’s […]

#TipMeTuesday: Do the engagement session

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I was recently challenged in my new business journey course to share more of my life and be more than the camera. Which is an exciting idea for me because while I know so much about the couples I work with, it fires me up to share me and my life with those who choose […]

Here is us

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Hey guys! So, #TipMeTuesday is something I have wanted to implement for a little while now. Pretty much since the end of my 2018 wedding season. I learned SO much throughout last years events and as I sat back and reflected recently, I just knew there were some things I needed to be educating my […]

#TipMeTuesday: Wedding Timelines

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I think it’s safe to say that Tim and Natasha made the cutest little boy!! Oh my word!! This is my first time meeting him but I’ve followed Natasha through her engagement, wedding, pregnancy, birth and the first year of Noah’s life! I feel like I’ve known this little family for ages and that I’ve […]

Noah Turns 1! | Birthday Session

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I have known Shawna since high school, and she has always been one of the nicest people I have come to know throughout life. Over the summer I saw her for the first time in a loooong time (pretty much since Junior year of high school) for a family session with her, Eddie and their […]

Shawna + Eddie | Newborn Lifestyle Session

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Where do I even begin with these two? I met with them over the summer, which felt like ages ago, for their engagement session. They made it clear that they were super laid back people who wanted to meet to just get a few quick shots and learn what to expect on their wedding day. […]

Eliza + Peter | Brick South Wedding | Portland, ME

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Happy Friday! I met with Lacey and Travis last Sunday for a quick little engagement session at Benson Park. I had heard all about this location from various friends and family, and knew it was a great location based on other photographer recommendations as well, so I was uber excited to get out there and […]

Lacey + Travis | Engagement Session | Hudson, NH

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Y’all!! These two are to die for!! I met with Brittany and Jacob over the weekend at this hip little café in Lebanon. The weather leading up to Saturday afternoon was very iffy– showing rain and gray weather for most of the day which ended up lasting pretty much up until we met up at […]

Brittany + Jacob | Engagement Session | Lebanon, NH